Public Speaking with Visual Impairment
Discover new strategies for presenting written work even while visually impaired or blind!! Anne Chiappetta, published author and poet, provides a friendly, but expert, instruction in audio prompting and answers audience questions. Workshop One provides an introduction, Workshop Two delves deeper imto the mechanics and strategies, and we plan more. Listen in as these workshops reveal what audio prompting is, and why and how to use it to become a better public speaker.
Enjoy another amazing resource and episodes from Writing Works Wonders. This resource page provides guidance and recommendations to help authors, and others, present their written work, conduct workshops, teach classes, compete in writing/reading competitions, etc. Yes, even if you have visual impairment or blindness, you will find recommendations and instruction here for inexpensive solutions.
This audio prompting page includes the complete audio of our special workshop episodes, resources, suggested equipment, software/application options, helpful links, and bonus photos with alt tag descriptions and captions.
Keep informed of upcoming Writing Works Wonders, workshops and events; sign up for our weekly email. Visit our Contact Us page for details.
Audio Recordings
Workshop One, Episode 23, September 2021
Episode 23 Audio Promoting with Anne Chiappetta
Workshop Two, Episode 33, October, 2021
Episode 33 Workshop Practice Materials (poems) for workshop
- PDF format –WWW-AudioPrompting-Two Poems PDF file
Resources and Equipment Mentioned
Headphones, Headsets and Earbuds (More photos at bottom of page)

- USB headset with a boom microphone
- Cordless headset (Bluetooth)
- Earbuds
- One-ear ear piece
Recorders and Recording Programs
- Windows 10- Built in recorder applicatiom
- iPhone- Memo app has built in recorder
- Voice recording apps- Many available free iPhone or Android
- Digital recorder
- Victor Stream device
- Old tape recorders
Screen Readers
- Jaws
- Voiceover- Built into iPhone/iPad
- Voiceover instructions here
- Talkback- Built into Android devices
- Talkback instructions here
Public Speaking Opportunities
- Friends in Art – Writers, artists, performers, etc – Special Interest Affiliate of ACB
- VIP Online Toastmasters -Develop public speaking skills virtually with a group focused on the needs of presenters who are visually imp
- Toastmasters International
About Ann Chiappetta
For links to Ann’s books, performances, and past interviews, go to:
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More Photos to Illustrate this Episode’s Discussion