July 21, 2023 what happens next?

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 100 words or less:


July 21, 2023   writing prompt

100 words or less.

It’s a beautiful sunny day. Suddenly the wind picks up. You no longer see or feel the sun. Then you hear the loud cracks of thunder. What happens next?


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  • Marlene Mesot


    There is no sun to provide direction.
    Hurtling winds defy inspection.
    Undulating vibrations of unease,
    Nervously fluctuate within the breeze.
    Dense with moisture thickening air,
    Evokes ominous emotions everywhere.
    Rolling, rumbling, jolting noise,
    Strikes along with silent flashes in the void.
    Task yourself with careful steps.
    Or you may fall into murky depths.
    Return to where no torrent forms.
    Master your surroundings to escape the storms.

  • Abbie Taylor

    In a Flash of Lightning

    After a picnic lunch in the park, Phil and I were lying side by side on the grass, enjoying the sunny summer afternoon. Suddenly, the wind picked up, and the sun disappeared behind ominous, dark clouds.
    Sitting up, I said, “Honey, I think it’s going to…”
    A bright streak of lightning illuminated the sky, followed by a loud clap of thunder.
    Phil lay motionless on the ground. “No!” I cried, holding his inert body.
    His arms suddenly came around me, and I found myself snuggled against him in bed, his hand stroking my hair.

  • Linda Vos

    A True Memory

    It was a beautiful sunny day. Suddenly the wind picked up. I could no longer see or feel the sun. Then I heard the loud cracks of thunder. Soon the wind died down and there was an unusual stillness in the air and a strange yellowish tint to the atmosphere. I looked out our kitchen window and saw wispy dark clouds pull together to form a funnel. I then moved from window to window watching as the tornado moved in a wide sweeping arc around our house.

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