Sept 23 – Book Review

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  • Ron Brooks

    Oliver Burkeman shatters the idea of managing time in “4000 Weeks: Time Management for Mortals.” The average person lives 80 years–some more, some less, and no guarantees beyond now. But the answer isn’t better time management, multi-tasking or efficiency. It’s accepting that time is finite, being grateful for each moment, and choosing only what matters. “4,000 Weeks” will liberate you from the worship of “being busy,” open your heart to gratitude, and transform you.

  • Marlene Mesot

    Defending from Danger – Rocky Mountain K-9 Unit #5
    By Jodie Bailey

    A shining example of God’s unconditional love, this honest, action mystery is one I will be reading over again numerous times. Characters are portrayed with deep emotional complexity. Circumstances are explained honestly. The love between animals and humans, and the love of God, are honest, heartbreaking and heartwarming, but most of all unforgettable. It is available in audio, which brings it to stunning life.

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