8/2/24 Writing prompt – Donuts, and more

    • Writing Prompt

100 words or less. Genre of your choice.

Use the following three words in your response, doughnut, caring and dragonfly.

(100 words max).

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  • Marlene+Mesot

    Doughnuts Delight

    Light and airy
    Like dragonfly wings,
    Creamy filled doughnuts
    Delight brings.
    A box of assorted dozen doughnuts
    Shared among friends or at your workplace,
    Presents you
    With a caring happy face.

  • Marlene+Mesot Carol Mackey

    Defend Less
    Once I knew a Dragonfly
    who had a Donut for a friend.
    I never ever asked them why
    they were such Caring friends
    it’s like it is with you and I…
    there’s nothing to defend !

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