6/7/24 writing prompt, scratching at the door

    • Writing Prompt

100 words or less. Genre of your choice.

Please complete the following scene.

Please complete the following scene.

I was sitting on the couch, when I heard scratching at the door. I stood up and considered what I should do next before I open the door.

(100 words max).

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One Comment

  • Marlene Mesot

    Sounds at the Door

    I was relaxing on my comfy couch when a barely audible sound invaded my ears shattering the silence. Then it gradually increased in frequency and intensity. As I listened, not moving, it became a scratching sound. I have no pets. Was there an animal, or something else? Was someone using a tool, a weapon to make that ominous noise? No strange smells and I couldn’t see anything with darkness outside. I rose slowly, walked to the door and peered out. I gasped seeing shadowy movement. Focusing, I realized a tree branch was scraping against the house.

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