Comments on: 1/5/24 Writing prompt two options! Encouraging and Inspiring Authors! Fri, 19 Jan 2024 19:42:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marlene Mesot Thu, 21 Dec 2023 20:58:39 +0000 Winter
(Sestina Excerpt)

Now clean, fluffy and white new snow,
pristine, perfect, blanket, brilliant,
soon to become dirty as coal,
with the drudgery of winter.
Yet snow glistens, cheery, festive,
brightening festive holidays.

Helping others keeps us festive.
No one wants dirty lump of coal.
Present yourself kindly, brilliant,
in the spirit of holidays.
Remember the blanket of snow,
falls on friend and foe in winter.

Season’s shortest days in winter,
will not dampen spirits festive,
even though cold, heavy with snow.
Persevere like hard lumps of coal.
Every day some holidays.
Keep alive your spirits brilliant.

Memorable holidays snow.
