Comments on: 11/3/23 writing prompt. Cold, windy, warm, cozy Encouraging and Inspiring Authors! Fri, 03 Nov 2023 00:57:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marlene Mesot Fri, 03 Nov 2023 00:57:54 +0000 Oppositions

The icy cold windy winter bite
Pervades outside the house wintery nights,
But fireplace holds the warmth inside bright
Snuggly warm, cozy, with no fright.

Keep comfort and joy in your heart near
As you ponder life’s choices so dear.
Hold onto your thoughts and keep them clear.
Bad like ice, good like toasty. Let’s cheer.

Let that ice melt now from your old soul.
Better than barb, biting, break that mold.
