Comments on: May 20 – Writing Prompt – Jeep 150 Words Encouraging and Inspiring Authors! Thu, 26 May 2022 22:49:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Linda Vos Thu, 26 May 2022 22:49:53 +0000 Jeep Revisited

On a sunny morning in May, Lucia and Kim were again riding in a jeep through the back roads of Saint Thomas in the Virgin Islands when they came upon a group of goats standing in the middle of the road. Kim stopped the vehicle and glared. “Oh no! Here they are again. I thought we were done with them.”

As before, the goats circled the jeep, searching for tasty morsels. They began poking at the sturdy metal cooler containing the picnic lunch. Try as they might, they couldn’t get it open. One even tried breaking the box by butting it with his sharp horns. They finally slunk away, their heads and tails drooping.

“Kim, you’re a genius.” Chortled Lucia. “Your idea of using a metal cooler instead of a picnic basket was perfect. Now we can have our lunch in peace.”

Jeep Revisited

On a sunny morning in May, Lucia and Kim were again riding in a jeep through the back roads of Saint Thomas in the Virgin Islands when they came upon a group of goats standing in the middle of the road. Kim stopped the vehicle and glared. “Oh no! Here they are again. I thought we were done with them.”

As before, the goats circled the jeep, searching for tasty morsels. They began poking at the sturdy metal cooler containing the picnic lunch. Try as they might, they couldn’t get it open. One even tried breaking the box by butting it with his sharp horns. They finally slunk away, their heads and tails drooping.

“Kim, you’re a genius.” Chortled Lucia. “Your idea of using a metal cooler instead of a picnic basket was perfect. Now we can have our lunch in peace.”

By: Marlene Mesot Thu, 19 May 2022 18:20:02 +0000 Jeep and Goats Part 2

The sound of an approaching motor reached them. Kim and Lucia stepped quickly to the side of the road putting more distance between them and the goats.

A dusty red truck jerked to a stop just before reaching their charcoal gray jeep.

The girls stared openly at the two handsome strangers who stepped toward them from the truck. Both girls glanced back and forth between the two, tall, bronze skinned men who appeared to be mirror images of each other. They were grinning.

“May we be of assistance? I’m Abel Jackson.”

“I’m Adam Jackson,” he gestured to his twin, “His brother.”

Both women nodded and smiled.

“We’ll just get these fellows herded back to their pasture.” Abel offered.

Finally finding her voice, one of the girls spoke.

“Wonderful! I’m Kim Rogers.”

“And I’m Lucia Sanchez. Thank you both.”

Kim added. “We’re just friends, not sisters.”
