Comments on: August 27, 2021 Writing Prompt – Conundrum and More! Encouraging and Inspiring Authors! Sat, 04 Sep 2021 14:10:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Carol Makey Fri, 03 Sep 2021 21:59:01 +0000 A Bamboozled Diabolical Kaleidoscope, Conumdrum
of Serendipity
As an Abacus adds the Bamboozled buffaloes bounces It Causes a Coughing Conundrum.
Dark dripping diabolical exploding eggs,
fight flipping frogs and gargantuan grapes to
hoist happy hogs into icy igloos.
They jam joyfully in with a Kaleidoscope of kangaroos, who are languidly leaping Monstrous mountains.
While notorious nighttime Newts over run the ocean,
in perpetual prowling patrols.
Quiet , quick and quarrel- some Rabbits run roughshod,
while squeaking in sinful Serendipity,
and toppling towers of trumpets.
Utopian usurping Unicorns used valiantly valued violins
winning warbles and whistles of
X’s and xo’s and
Yips, Yodels and Yells from Zippered Zebras !!!

Carol Mackey

By: Marlene Mesot Thu, 26 Aug 2021 15:04:02 +0000 The Great Sea Conundrum. Grumbling could be heard throughout the camp as people, animals and belongings pushed forward across desolate sands. It was not serendipity that led them to this plight. The people surely felt bamboozled by their diabolical enemies who had enslaved them. They certainly felt trapped in a kaleidoscope of captivity and flight in their journey. The conundrum appeared in the form of the great Red Sea. How would they cross?
